Thursday 24 April 2008

Longoria and Parker deny affair claims

Longoria and Parker deny affair claims

'Desperate Housewives' star Eva Longoria has rejected reports in the media that her husband Tony Parker cheated on her with a model.
Speaking to People magazine, the couple stressed they had been very happy together since their marriage this July.
Basketball star Parker said: "I love my wife. She's the best thing in my life, and I have never been happier."
Longoria added Parker had been the "perfect husband", while stating recent media reports were completely false.
The statement from the couple comes after model Alexandra Paressant told a celebrity website she had an affair with NBA star Parker after meeting him at the couple's wedding.
Paressant claimed Barcelona footballer Thierry Henry had introduced them to each other and said they later had a brief fling in the French capital Paris.
She also told the website Parker was not committed to Longoria and was still a playboy at heart.
The model said: "Everybody has to get married at a point, but [for him] it is still time to enjoy life."
Longoria and Parker tied the knot on 7 July this year, in a lavish ceremony at a castle in Paris.